OasisEye Specialists

Understanding Contact Lenses and Dry Eye

If you wear contact lenses, or are thinking about trying contact lenses, you might have heard about dry eye as a potential concern. But what’s the connection between contact lenses and dry eye? Let’s break it down in simple terms so you can make the best choice for your eyes.

What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition where your eyes don’t make enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly. This can cause discomfort or even blurry vision.


Some Reasons Why Contact Lenses Can Cause Dry Eye

For many people, contact lenses are a convenient alternative to glasses. But for others, they can cause or worsen dry eye symptoms. Here’s how:

  • Increased Tear Evaporation

Contact lenses sit directly on the eye, creating a barrier between your tear film and the air. It leads to a thinner tear film with a higher rate of evaporation.

  • Absorbing Moisture

Contact lenses absorb tears from your eyes to keep themselves hydrated. This can leave your eyes dry and less comfortable.

  • Reduced Oxygen Flow to the Eyes

Contact lenses may block oxygen from getting to your eyes. Think of it like your skin—when it doesn’t get enough air, it can become dry and flaky.

  • Poor Hygiene Lens Deposits and Build-Up

Over time, proteins, lipids and debris can build up on contact lenses. This may make tears less effective in moisturising the lens. The condition worsens when one does not clean the lenses properly.

  • Reduced Blink Rate

When wearing contact lenses, some people blink eyes less frequently, which can reduce the spread of tears across the eye’s surface.


Symptoms of Contact Lens-Induced Dry Eye

  • Redness and irritation
  • A gritty or burning sensation
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive tearing (a reflex response to dryness)
  • Sensitivity to light

Tips to Prevent or Relieve Dry Eye in Contact Lenses Wearer

  1. Use the Right Contact Lenses. 

    Generally, wearing daily disposable lenses are less prone to dry eye since you start with a fresh pair of lenses every day. However, different lens materials also play a vital role in retaining moisture.

  2. Use Rewetting Drops. 

    Applying preservative-free artificial tears can retain contact lenses’ material and eye moisture. 

  3. Practice Good Hygiene. 

    Cleaning, storing, and rinsing your lenses properly is a key to prevent the buildup of protein or deposits that could worsen dry eye. 

  4. Limit your Wearing Time. 

    Take a break in between if you are wearing contact lenses for more than 8 hours a day. Besides, give your eyes a break by switching to glasses during your rest day. 

  5. Consider Alternative Vision Correction

    If dry eye persists despite these measures, you may want to speak to an ophthalmologist to discuss about options like ICL, LASIK, SMILE pro or TransPRK

When to See an Eye Care Professional?

If your dry eye symptoms persist, dry eye services are available at the following locations; Nexus Bangsar South, Cheras South, Shah Alam, Seremban, Kuching, Johor Bahru, and Penang.

Besides, attending a contact lens fitting clinic is recommended if you are having problems finding suitable contact lenses. Prevention is always better than cure.