Preparation Before TransPRK Treatment
Transepithelial PhotoRefractive Keratectomy (TransPRK) is the latest technique of laser refractive surgery. TransPRK may be known to some as No Touch LASIK, No Touch Laser Epi-LASIK, SmartSurface PRK or Transepithelial Surface Ablation (TESA). Like any medical procedure, you will have
Benefits of TransPRK
Transepithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy (TransPRK) is a touch-free laser eye correction for refractive errors such as short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. To date, the touch-free, single step TransPRK can only be performed with SCHWIND Amaris laser. With other lasers, two
What is Presbyopia?
Presbyopia is a common type of vision disorder that causes a gradual loss of ability to focus on near objects. It’s a natural aging process of the eyes. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in the early to mid-40s and continues to
Macular Hole
Macular hole occurs when there is a tear or hole that develops in the central part of your vision known as the macula. Macula is the small area of the retina where light is sharply focused which allows you to
Differences: Pinguecula vs Pterygium
Pterygium and pinguecula are conjunctival growths that form on the surface of the eye. Both are not dangerous and will not cause blindness. In the early stage, there is no effect on vision and the main concern is cosmetic appearance,
Floaters and Flashes
What are floaters? Have you ever noticed little tiny black dots in your vision? These are usually called floaters in layman’s terms. Floaters are usually more noticeable in a bright environment or a bright blue sky on a sunny day.
Mata berkedip sebelah – Normal atau Tidak?
Pernahkah anda mengalami mata berkedip dengan sendiri? Ianya berkedip berulang kali dan tidak dapat dikawal. Biasanya ia terjadi pada kelopak mata atas, namun ada juga yang mengalami pada kelopak mata bawah. Mata berkedip (eye twitching) atau dalam bahasa saintifiknya myokymia
Dry Eyes
Are your eyes red and tired at the end of the day? Does your vision become blurry after long hours of screen time? These are common complaints of a patient with dry eyes. The recent COVID-19 pandemic in the past
Degenerasi Makula Berkaitan Usia (ARMD)
Degenerasi makula adalah penyakit yang berkait rapat dengan usia. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh kerosakan pada bahagian makula. Makula adalah satu kawasan kecil di bahagian tengah retina yang memiliki banyak sel penglihatan. Punca utama degenerasi makula kering masih tidak dapat dikenalpasti.