What is Hyperopia?

Hyperopia is also known as far-sightedness. It is a common type of refractive error that occurs when the light is focused behind the retina of the eye. Hyperopia affects near vision more, which means that distant objects can be seen more clearly than near objects.

There is a possibility that a combination of refractive errors can occur concurrently. For an example, hyperopia and astigmatism can occur in the same eye, or one eye can be short-sighted while the other is far-sighted. Hyperopia (rabun dekat in Malay) should not be confused with presbyopia (rabun tua in Malay) as they are not the same. Presbyopia is age-related and occurs when changes in the eye is less able to accommodate, and losing its ability to focus on close-up prints or objects. Hyperopia can occur at any age while presbyopia usually occurs over the age of 40.

Driving_view_comparison_of_normal_vision_vs._hyperopia.Symptoms of Hyperopia/Far-sightedness
  • Common symptoms of far-sightedness:
  • Difficulty in seeing close-up objects
  • Eye strain or eye tiredness
  • Headaches, especially when doing close-up tasks
  • Blurred vision
  • Squinting
  • Fatigue

These symptoms tend to be more obvious after doing some near work such as reading, computer use, mobile phone activity and so on. The symptoms can vary, depending on the prescription. For individuals with mild farsightedness, the symptoms may not be so noticeable. Regular eye examinations are important to ensure that your vision is optimal. Individuals with moderate or severe hyperopia, may notice their vision is blurred for near and distant objects.

Causes of Hyperopia

Hyperopia occurs when images are focused behind the retina. From an anatomical standpoint, it is seen in eyes that are shorter. The cornea also plays a major role. If the cornea is too flat or less curved than normal, it might also cause images to fall behind the retina.

There is a genetic component involved with hyperopia, so most hyperopic individuals are born with a preponderance for it. Studies show the refractive errors are primarily influenced by multiple genes, so if a direct family member such as a parent or sibling is hyperopic, there is an increased likelihood of developing hyperopia. External factors such as lifestyle and diet may also influence changes.


In young individuals, treatment may not be necessary because the natural lenses in the eyes are flexible enough to accommodate and compensate for mild to moderate degrees of hyperopia. The common management for hyperopic individuals is with glasses or contact lenses

  • Glasses -This is the most direct, simple and safe way to improve vision caused by hyperopia. There are different types of lenses such as those for single vision, bifocal lenses and progressive multifocal lenses.
  • Contact lenses. Soft clear lenses are worn on the eyes. They are available in a variety of materials and designs such as soft and Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses. They are available in monofocal or multifocal designs. There are contact lenses that correct hyperopia and astigmatism as well.

For individuals who prefer to be glasses-free and not rely on any glasses or contact lenses:

Orthokeratology lens (Ortho-K):

Ortho-K is the fitting of a customized rigid gas permeable (RGP) lens that is worn overnight. While the individual sleeps with the RGP lenses on, the lenses will gently reshape the front surface of the eye known as cornea. Clear vision can be achieved the following day upon removal of the lenses. Ortho-K can lenses only correct low degrees of hyperopia.

Refractive Lens Exchange (Cataract surgery):

This procedure involves removing the natural lens in the eye and implanting an artificial lens that corrects the hyperopia. This procedure usually applies to individuals who are above 40 years old, around the time when cataracts may start to develop and presbyopia sets in. Following a refractive lens exchange, individuals will not require cataract surgery in the future.

Laser Refractive Surgery

Laser surgery is done by reshaping the curvature of the cornea using a low energy laser machine. It is a good option for patients with hyperopia including PRK, TransPRK, and LASIK. TransPRK is a no touch ‘LASIK’ and bladeless treatment which is able to treat up to +6.00D of hyperopia.

Does poor diet affect your eyes?

Did you ever know what you consume or eat does not just affect your body shape, weight and health? In fact, an individual’s diet can also impact their eye health and cause some irreversible damages.

Does too much salt affect your eyes?

Salt is important and essential in almost every recipe to make it tasty, but did you know the high level of sodium can increase the risk of having high blood pressure. Salt will not only bloat our body and affect our body tissues, it will also lead to the restriction of blood flow to our eyes when the blood pressure is high.

Hypertension due to raised systemic blood pressure (BP) both diastolic and/or systolic is associated with stroke, cardiovascular, renal or ocular disease. Researchers have shown high blood pressure as a significant risk factor for glaucoma progression. Glaucoma is a common blinding disease which is due to damage to the optic nerve and raised intraocular pressure. Therefore, too much salt can increase overall blood pressure and lead to an increase of intraocular pressure.


Is it too sweet for the eyes?

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the blood glucose levels are too high and people living with diabetes are at greater risk of developing eye problems. When the body does not produce enough insulin or does not produce any insulin, it will remain in the blood and not reach any cells causing an increase of glucose in the blood. Diabetes damages the blood vessels all over the body.

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye condition. It damages or changes your eyes by blocking the tiny blood vessels that go to the retina and lead to swelling or bleeding. In some serious conditions, the new blood vessels may grow on the surface of the retina. Diabetes retinopathy can appear in patients with either Type 1 or Type 2 and if the condition is left untreated, there is a chance to cause blindness.


The long term result of having diabetes can result in developing a cloudy substance in the lens which is known as cataract. Cataract develops for multiple reasons and most commonly is age-related whereas diabetes also increases the risk of getting cataract. The risk of developing cataract in diabetes patients is caused by the changes of tissues in the eyes that make up the eye’s natural lens.

In conclusion, poor diet control will be a risk for the health of your eyes. However, you can prevent and lower the risk of developing eye problems by just making a few changes to your diet. Having a healthy and well-balanced diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins is important for most people to get the right nutrients for eye health. Those with vision problems and those with very restrictive diets should talk to an eye professional about the right foods to eat for their eye condition. An eye health professional can help you create a diet that suits you and reduce the chances of developing age-related eye diseases.

Bahaya Eyeliner dan Maskara Kepada Mata

Kelopak mata adalah lipatan kulit yang berada di atas dan bawah mata. Pada kelopak mata pula terdapat bulu mata yang mana keduanya-duanya berfungsi untuk melindungi mata daripada kecederaan dan benda asing, cahaya berlebihan serta membantu dalam penyebaran air mata yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar air mata.

Pemakaian maskara dan penggaris mata (‘eyeliner’) adalah untuk serlahkan kecantikan mata anda. Namun begitu, mungkin tidak terlintas difikiran anda bahawa penggunaan solekan mata boleh menyebabkan jangkitan kuman berlaku pada kelopak mata seterusnya menyebabkan keradangan dan gangguan penglihatan. Menurut FDA, alat solekan adalah selamat daripada pencemaran ketika anda membelinya, namun setelah beberapa kali penggunaanya kemungkinan kuman yang berada pada kulit anda boleh merebak dan membiak pada alat solekan. Oleh itu, anda digalakkan untuk kerap menukar alat solekan dan ianya sangat penting bagi mengelakkan jangkitan kuman berlaku.

Simptom-Simptom Radang Mata
  • Mata merah dan berair
  • Mata rasa sakit dan bengkak
  • Sensitif terhadap cahaya
  • Kabur penglihatan
Jenis-Jenis Infeksi/Radang Mata
  • Radang luaran mata – Ketumbit adalah bisul kecil hasil daripada jangkitan kuman ke atas akar (folikal) bulu mata
  • Radang luaran mata – ‘Conjunctivitis’ adalah radang konjunktiva yang disebabkan oleh jangkitan kuman seperti bakteria dan virus
  • Radang kelopak mata – ‘Blepharitis’ adalah keradangan kelopak mata disebabkan kelenjar minyak kecil berhampiran pangkal bulu mata tersumbat
  • Radang dalam mata – ‘Endophthalmitis’ adalah radang serius pada bahagian dalam mata disebabkan oleh kuman

Memang tidak dapat dinafikan lagi bahawa solekan dan wanita tidak dapat dipisahkan. Ianya merupakan rutin harian bagi kebanyakan wanita di seluruh dunia. Oleh itu, berikut adalah langkah-langkah mudah dan penting bagi anda untuk mengelakkan masalah mata yang tidak diingini.

Petua Menggunakan Solekan Mata Dengan Selamat
  1. Elakkan penggunaan alat solekan yang sudah tamat tempoh kerana ianya meningkatkan risiko jangkitan disebabkan pembentukan kulat dan bakteria. Walaupun kebanyakan alat solek mengandungi bahan pengawet, bakteria masih boleh terbentuk. Sekiranya anda tidak pasti jangka hayat sesuatu produk, anda dinasihati supaya buang selepas 3 bulan penggunaannya.Close-up_of_clogged_and_inflamed_eyelid_glands_due_to_makeup_buildup.
  2. Bersihkan solekan mata sebelum tidur. Ini adalah penting untuk mengelakkan pengumpulan solekan pada kawasan kelopak mata yang boleh menyebabkan radang mata.Lower_eyelid_showing_clogged_glands_linked_to_poor_eye_hygiene.
  3. Elakkan memakai solekan pada tepi kelopak mata. Tepi kelopak mata anda (margin kelopak mata, berhampiran tempat bulu mata anda tumbuh) mengandungi kelenjar minyak (kelenjar meibomian). Kelenjar ini menghasilkan komponen berminyak yang berfungsi mengekalkan kelembapan mata. Penggunaan solekan pada tepi kelopak mata boleh menyebabkan kelenjar pada kawasan tersebut tersumbat, lalu menyebabkan masalah mata kering dan tidak selesa.
  4. Elakkan berkongsi alat solek. Berkongsi alat solekan adalah berbahaya kerana ianya boleh meningkatkan risiko penularan jangkitan yang boleh menyebabkan konjunktivitis.Comparison_of_an_irritated_eye_with_makeup_and_a_healthy_eye.
  5. Baca label dan elakkan bahan berbahaya. Sebelum anda membeli sesuatu produk solekan, pastikan anda membaca dan mengenalpasti kandungan yang digunakan. Terdapat sesetengah bahan yang digunakan berbahaya untuk kulit dan boleh meningkatkan risiko kanser.

Kesimpulannya, pemakaian dan pengamalan teknik membersihkan solekan yang salah berisiko membahayakan mata anda. Sekiranya mata anda mengalami kemerahan, kesakitan, tidak selesa, atau kabur penglihatan, hentikan penggunaan solekan mata dan dapatkan rawatan dengan pakar mata secepat mungkin.

Ketumbit: Perbezaan, Punca Dan Rawatan

Ketumbit adalah benjolan kecil pada kelopak mata. Terdapat dua jenis ketumbit iaitu ‘stye’ (hordeolum luaran) dan chalazion (hordeolum dalaman). Jadi, apakah perbezaan antara mereka? Stye adalah benjolan kecil berpunca daripada jangkitan kuman ‘staphylococcus aureus’ yang menyebabkan kelopak mata menjadi bengkak, kemerahan dan sakit. Chalazion pula berpunca daripada kelenjar bulu mata tersumbat dan menyebabkan bengkak, tetapi tidak sakit. Namun begitu chalazion jarang menyebabkan bengkak pada keseluruhan kelopak mata.

Anda lebih berisiko untuk mendapat ketumbit sekiranya anda:

  1. Kerap menggosok mata tanpa membersihkan tangan terlebih dahulu
  2. Tidak membersihkan kelopak dan bulu mata terutamanya selepas menggunakan kosmetik
  3. Blepharitis, sejenis radang sekeliling tepi kelopak mata
  4. Mempunyai masalah kesihatan, terutamanya pesakit kencing manis

Image_showing_a_painless_chalazion_on_the_lower_eyelid_and_a_painful_stye_on_the_upper_eyelid.Bagaimanakah cara untuk anda menyembuhkan ketumbit?

Biasanya, ketumbit akan hilang dengan sendiri tanpa memerlukan rawatan. Ianya juga boleh dirawat di rumah dengan melakukan tuaman suam pada ketumbit beberapa kali sehari. Sekiranya tidak sembuh, antibiotik akan diberikan terlebih dahulu. Namun begitu, dalam kes yang lebih teruk, pembedahan kecil mungkin diperlukan untuk merawat ketumbit. Harus diingatkan juga, ketumbit boleh terjadi berulang kali. Oleh itu, kebersihan kawasan mata seperti kelopak dan bulu mata adalah sangat penting bagi mencegah ketumbit.

Cara-cara tuaman suam (warm compression) adalah:
  1. Menggunakan sehelai sapu tangan atau kain yang bersih
  2. Rendam dalam air separuh panas dan perah sehingga air tidak menitis
  3. Letakkan di atas kelopak mata dengan mata tertutup selama 10 minit
  4. Ulang 2-3 kali sehari mengikut nasihat doktor anda
Cara-cara untuk membersihkan bulu mata
  1. Campurkan sedikit air bersih dan beberapa titis syampu bayi dalam bekas kecil
  2. Celup putik kapas ke dalam campuran tadi dan kesat bahagian kelopak mata yang secara lembut dengan putik kapas tersebut. Elakkan daripada terkena bahagian kornea
  3. Lakukannya 2-3 kali sehari
  4. Sekiranya kelopak mata terlalu kotor dan berkeruping, lakukan tuaman suam dulu agar keruping menjadi lembut dan senang untuk dibersihkan

Walaupun ketumbit tidak berbahaya kepada penglihatan, tetapi ia boleh menyebabkan ketidakselesaan dan menjejaskan penampilan diri seterusnya akan mengganggu aktiviti seharian anda. Oleh itu, sekiranya keadaan masih tidak bertambah baik selepas beberapa hari atau seminggu, sila berjumpa dengan doktor untuk mendapatkan rawatan selanjutnya.

What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a common type of vision disorder that causes a gradual loss of ability to focus on near objects. It’s a natural aging process of the eyes. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in the early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until around age 65. Individuals begin to have trouble focusing up close and may hold books or newspapers at arm’s length to be able to read them including text messages on their phone.


Presbyopia develops gradually. These signs and symptoms may first be noticed after the age of 40:

  • Trouble seeing things-up close/ blurred vision at normal reading distance
  • Holding the reading material farther away to make the letters clearer
  • Difficulty reading in less bright conditions
  • Eyestrain or headaches after reading or doing close-up work

What causes presbyopia?

When an individual is younger, the lens of the eye is soft and flexible, allowing the tiny muscles inside the eye to easily reshape the lens to focus on close and distant objects. Presbyopia occurs when the age-related changes within the proteins in the lens causes gradual thickening and loss of flexibility of the natural lens inside the eye. As well, age-related changes also take place in the muscle fibers surrounding the lens. With less elasticity, it becomes difficult for the eyes to focus on close objects.

Treatment for presbyopia

In early stages of presbyopia, some simple habit changes can be made to help on reading, like:

  • Holding the reading materials farther away
  • Choosing large-print books or increasing font size on the electronic devices
  • Using brighter reading lights

As your presbyopia worsens, glasses or contact lenses are needed to help with reading. Some people use over-the-counter reading glasses, or an eye care professional can prescribe spectacles to help you see as clearly as possible.

Reading glasses

Eyeglasses are a simple, safe way to correct vision problems caused by presbyopia.  Reading glasses helps to correct close-up vision problems by bending light before it enters the eye. They can be bought without a prescription, but the accurate power of reading glasses that are needed should be determined from an eye examination. Most non-prescription reading glasses range in power from +1.00 diopter (D) to +3.00 D.

If prescription corrective lenses are required for other vision problems such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness or astigmatism, then bifocals, trifocals, or progressive lenses might be needed to obtain a clear vision for distance and near.

  • Bifocals can correct close-up and far vision. These lenses have a visible horizontal line that separates the prescription. The top portion refracts light to allow you to see distant objects and the bottom of the lens refracts light for close up vision.Black-framed_eyeglasses_with_progressive_lenses.
  • Trifocals have three portions to correct for close-up, middle distance and distance vision. Trifocals come with two visible horizontal lines in the lenses.Diagram_of_progressive_lenses_with_distance,_intermediate,_and_near_zones.
  • Progressive multifocal lenses correct vision like bifocals and trifocals, but instead of a line that divides each refractive area, different areas of the lens have different focusing strengths. The upper portions usually corrects distance vision, middle portion corrects intermediate vision (computer distance), while lower portions corrects near vision.View_through_progressive_lenses_showing_near_and_distance_vision.

Contact Lenses

There are two types of contact lenses that help presbyopia:

  • Monovision contact lenses. Monovision can be achieved by wearing a contact lens for distance vision in one eye (usually the dominant eye) and a contact lens for close-up vision in the other eye. Monovision requires some adaptation time and train the brain to receive images from different eyes to fuse into a single clear image.
  • Multifocal contact lenses. These lenses have several rings or zones set at different powers. With this design, both near and far vision are obtained at the same time. However, the brain learns to automatically select the right focus for what we want to see. This could make the vision with a multifocal lens less sharp than using a monofocal lens.


Refractive surgery. Some people decide to have surgery to achieve monovision. For presbyopia, this treatment can be used to improve close-up vision in the non-dominant eye. Using a laser, the cornea is reshaped for clear far vision in one eye and close-up vision in the other. This is like wearing monovision contact lenses but refractive surgery is an irreversible procedure. Refractive surgical procedures include: Conductive keratoplasty, Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), Laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK) and Trans-epithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy (TransPRK). Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) is a refractive procedure which is reversible.

Corneal inlays. Tiny devices known as corneal inlays, can help correct presbyopia. It involves inserting a small plastic ring with a central opening, into the cornea of one eye. The opening acts like a pinhole camera and allows in focused light so that you can see close objects. Corneal inlay is a reversible procedure, eye surgeons can remove the rings if the result is not satisfied.

Differences: Pinguecula vs Pterygium

Pterygium and pinguecula are conjunctival growths that form on the surface of the eye. Both are not dangerous and will not cause blindness. In the early stage, there is no effect on vision and the main concern is cosmetic appearance, So what’s the difference between them?

Pterygium is the fleshy triangular mass that extends to the cornea while pinguecula is the yellowish elevated bump or lump that does not grow across the cornea. Pterygium can be a lot more obvious as it grows onto the clear surface of the cornea. It is also known to change the shape of the cornea causing changes in vision which is an increase in astigmatism. Pterygium may grow over a period of months to years until it covers the cornea, only then it will interfere with vision. Pinguecula usually develops on the side of the eye and doesn’t typically grow to a bigger size. Pinguecula does not typically harm your vision.


What causes these growths?

Both are caused by extended exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light (sunlight), wind and dust. They occur in people who spend more time outdoors, especially in hot, dry and sunny climates. The risk is also increased by not wearing sunglasses or a hat. People whose jobs expose them to UV light such as fishermen, farmers and contractors are also prone to develop this eye condition. Sailors, surfers and skiers are also more prone to develop pterygium as they encounter high levels of reflected UV light.

What do you feel?

Most people don’t feel anything. However, some people will experience foreign body sensation, grittiness and irritation in their eyes due to interference with the tear film. These symptoms are most difficult for contact lens wearers as the contact lens may not fit very well on the eye due to the uneven eye surface. Pinguecula and pterygium may occasionally get inflamed, and this will cause more discomfort, redness and grittiness. Furthermore, if the pterygium extends to the cornea, the curvature of the cornea will change and will cause some visual disturbance such as glare and blurred vision.

How are pterygium and pinguecula treated?

Once either one has formed on the eye, they will not go away by itself. An Ophthalmologist will do a full eye examination and determine the appropriate management for the pterygium and pinguecula. Lubricant eye drops can be prescribed to reduce irritation and discomfort and provide relief. Pterygium can remain small or will grow until extending towards the pupil.

It is important to have regular eye exams to monitor the progression of the pterygium. If eye drops do not help relieve symptoms and when a pterygium is large enough to interfere with vision, a pterygium removal surgery may be necessary to help restore vision. Unlike pterygium, pinguecula will not grow across your cornea, therefore surgery is not usually necessary. However, in some cases pinguecula can develop into a pterygium and affect vision.


How to prevent it?

Polarized sunglasses or hats with wide brim when outdoors can help to prevent and slow the progression of these types of tissue growth. People that work under exposure to sunlight can use appropriate protective eye equipment in work environments. Try to avoid exposure to environmental irritants such as smoke, dust, wind, and chemical pollutants. Protect your eyes from dust by wearing spectacles or goggles. It is also recommended to use artificial tears if you are exposed to dry conditions.

Mata berkedip sebelah – Normal atau Tidak?

Pernahkah anda mengalami mata berkedip dengan sendiri? Ianya berkedip berulang kali dan tidak dapat dikawal. Biasanya ia terjadi pada kelopak mata atas, namun ada juga yang mengalami pada kelopak mata bawah. Mata berkedip (eye twitching) atau dalam bahasa saintifiknya myokymia adalah kekejangan otot pada kelopak mata. Kebiasaannya berlaku beberapa saat dan akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Ianya tidak menyakitkan malah tidak juga mendatangkan bahaya tetapi situasi ini mengganggu dan menyebabkan ketidakselesaan kepada individu yang mengalaminya. Walaubagaimanapun masalah ini mungkin menjadi tanda awal bagi penyakit kronik sekiranya kekejangan kelopak mata tersebut melibatkan waktu yang lama atau pergerakan yang tidak terkawal pada bahagian muka yang lain.

Antara punca terjadinya mata berkedip (eye twitching)

  • Tekanan mental dan keletihan
  • Pengambilan kafein/alkohol
  • Mata kering
  • Menghadap skrin komputer/telefon/buku terlalu lama

Kadangkala keadaan mata berkedip tanpa henti boleh menjadi tanda masalah yang lebih serius seperti:

  • Radang pada kelopak mata (Blepharitis)
  • Kekejangan pada otot mata (Blepharospasm)
  • Kekejangan otot muka (Facial spasm)

Walaubagaimanapun, ada sesetengah individu mengalami kesan sampingan daripada masalah ini. Antaranya ialah:

  • Kelopak mata jatuh (Ptosis)
  • Penglihatan berganda (Diplopia)
  • Kabur penglihatan
  • Mata berair yang berlebihan

Oleh itu, sekiranya anda mengalami kesan sampingan seperti ini, dapatkan rawatan daripada doktor pakar mata secepat mungkin.

Cara atasi mata berkedip (eye twitching)

Mata berkedip biasanya hilang sendiri tanpa rawatan. Anda boleh mengelaknya daripada kerap berlaku dengan mengatasi punca-punca masalah ini seperti:

  1. Mendapatkan rehat dan tidur yang mencukupi
  2. Kurangkan pengambilan kafein/alkohol
  3. Minum air secukupnya, tingkatkan kekerapan kedipan mata dan menggunakan titisan air mata tiruan jika perlu untuk masalah mata kering
  4. Hadkan masa semasa menggunakan komputer, telefon atau membaca

Sekiranya blepharospasm terjadi, rawatan suntikan botulinum toxin (botox) boleh digunakan bagi meredakan kekejangan. Manakala untuk kes blepharospasm yang teruk pembedahan akan dilakukan.

What is digital eye strain (DES)?

Digital eye strain also known as computer vision syndrome, is a condition where a person experiences a temporary eye discomfort after prolonged use of electronic devices such as computer, tablet, mobile devices. The level of discomfort increases with the amount of digital screen use. DES can occur differently in each individual based on their visual device lifestyle, but their symptoms are usually the same.

Symptoms of DES

The most common symptoms associated with digital eye strain are

Causes of DES

  1. Reduction of blinking when staring at electronic devices is one of the reasons people experience DES. A person normally will blink about 15 times per minute. However, the blinking rate can be less than half when a person continuously stares at the screen.
  2. Glare can occur on devices with glass screens which contribute to DES due to the reflection and brightness of the screen.
  3. Improper viewing distance by staring at the computer at a too close or too far distance for a long time can cause DES.
  4. Poor seating position while staring on screen at a different height level can lead to many problems such as headache and neck and shoulder pain. This is because the position of the eye viewing is not parallel to the screen.
  5. Uncorrected vision problems such as short-sightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia and underlying eye problems can easily cause a person to be more symptomatic towards DES.
  6. Contact lens wear can increase the chance of having dry eyes and irritation.

Treatment & Prevention of DES

  1. Taking a break frequently while looking at a screen for long hours is very important. By practicing the “20-20-20” rule, for every 20 minutes look away from the screen and look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This allows the eyes to rest and refocus themselves.
  2. Reduce glare by adjusting the brightness on the screen or dimming the light near the screen can help to reduce the DES. An additional matte screen filter on top of the screen can also help.
  3. Ergonomics are crucial in the working environment.
    a) Adjusting the seating position while looking at the screen for long hours is important to prevent neck strain and shoulder pain while working. The chairs must be comfortably padded and conform to the body and the chair height should be adjusted so the feet rest flat on the floor. Arms have to be adjusted to provide support while typing and wrists shouldn’t rest on the keyboard when typing.b) Location of the computer screen should be 15 to 20 degrees below eye level (about 4 or 5 inches) as measured from the center of the screen and 20 to 28 inches from the eyes. Most people find it more comfortable by viewing the computer with their eyes looking downward.c) The arrangement of reference materials has to be below the monitor and above the keyboard. Otherwise, a document holder can be placed beside the monitor. The reason for positioning the documents is to reduce head effort to reposition from the document to the screen.
  4. Correct refractive errors and underlying eye problem by visiting an optometrist or ophthalmologist for proper management and eye prescription in order to have a better vision performing daily tasks.
  5. Contact lenses wearers can consider having a pair of glasses while staring at the devices for long periods especially during working hours. Using artificial tears to lubricate the eyes with or without contact lenses can reduce symptoms.

Digital eye strain can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination. During the exam, it is important to tell your Ophthalmologist how often you use a computer or digital device at home or work. Generally an eye strain can be treated with simple methods, however prolonged eye strain and discomfort may be a sign of something serious that should be treated by an Ophthalmologist.
Those living in areas such as Shah Alam, Cheras, Puchong, Shah Alam, Petaling Jaya, and Kepong can come visit our ophthalmologists to have their eyes examined.

The Red Eye Emergency

Most red eyes are usually not sight threatening and can recover without leaving any permanent damage to the eye.

However, one of the red eyes that may require immediate attention is Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma. Acute angle closure glaucoma is vision or sight threatening and needs urgent and timely treatment to prevent irreversible damage to the optic nerve. Optic nerve is the “cable” that connects the eye to the brain and once it is damaged it cannot regenerate.


Some symptoms of acute angle closure glaucoma besides a red eye are usually headaches (in very severe cases nausea and vomiting), pain in the eye associated with blurring of vision and sometimes seeing haloes (due to swelling of the cornea due to increased intraocular pressure).

Acute angle closure glaucoma, is a true ocular emergency and needs to be treated urgently to prevent irreversible damage to the optic nerve.

The first thing to do is to reduce the intraocular pressure (IOP) with topical/oral anti-glaucoma medications. In certain cases, patients may require intravenous (IV) medications too. The doctor will also treat the inflammation with steroid eye drops.

Laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) needs to be done as soon as possible to the affected eye and also for the other eye to prevent a similar problem in the future. Iridotomy is a procedure where we create a hole in the iris (with laser). If it not possible, then it has to be created surgically, to relieve the pupillary block due to angle closure glaucoma.

Management steps for acute angle closure glaucoma treatment.Once the IOP is controlled with laser treatment and anti-glaucoma medications and the affected eye has stabilized, there is a need to plan for cataract surgery in the future. All these are done to reduce and prevent irreversible damage to the optic nerve and thus maintain quality of life.

Long-term management strategies for angle closure glaucoma.

Watery Eyes

Watery eyes or tearing is a condition when a person produces an excess of tears and there is an overflow of tears onto the face. Tears are produced from the tear gland known as lacrimal gland and they serve few important roles to the body. They help to wash away foreign particles and dust and also act as a component of the immune system that protects us from infection. Tears also help to moisture and lubricate our eyes. An overflow of tears or too much of it on the surface of the eye can make it difficult to see.

Tears drain from the eye through the tear ducts into the nose. A blocked tear duct or a narrow duct is the most common cause of watery eyes in adults. If the tear ducts are narrowed or blocked due to inflammation or infection, the tears will not be able to drain away and thus cause excessive tearing. Some other eye conditions can also cause watery eyes. Bumps on the eyelids like stye or chalazion which are caused by infection or inflammation along your eyelids can also prompt watery eyes. When eyelashes grow inwards toward your eyes, it rubs against the cornea and causes irritation. This condition known as ingrown eyelashes or trichiasis can cause watery eyes as well.

It is also common to temporarily produce excess tears when you are in a dry environment. When you stay long in a dry environment, it prompts your tear glands to produce and release more tears which is known as reflex tearing. Exposure to pollen, pet dander, mites and fumes can cause your eyes to turn red, itchy and watery which are known as allergies. Another cause of dryness is prolonged or over wear contact lenses which can increase tear evaporation. This will evoke your tear glands into overproduction of tears and result in watery eyes. Staring at your computer screen for a long time will also result in watery eyes. When focusing too much on a computer screen, it tends to reduce our blinking rate and lead to dryness. To avoid this, we can practice the 20-20-20 rule which means that for every 20 minutes, focus on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This simple action can give your eye some rest.

Watery eye treatment depends on how severe the problem is and its cause. For blocked tear ducts, surgery can create a new channel from the tear sac to the inside of the nose which allows tears to bypass the blocked part of the duct. A visit to an Ophthalmologist can help in resolving a long-standing watery eye problem.

Dr Tai Lai Yong
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Oculoplastic, Orbital & Lacrimal Surgeon